Message/ Messenger

Message / Messenger

If you never reason the message.
Because your glory and victory is in tearing apart the messenger.
You do EXACTLY what you accuse others who don't think like you, do to you;
Attack off subject.
Never staying with the very point long enough to comprehend the message. 

What if Steven D. Kelley is correct? 

Take SDK out of your process.
Could it be possible that Under The Getty is a hub of child sex trafficking and all horrors?
Could it be feasible?
Does it answer a whole lot of unanswered questions?
Does it make sense?
Is the money available?
Does the location make sense?
What about time, could it be done?
Does technology exist to do this?
What makes it Impossible?
Motivation to do it?
Time to do it?
Money to do it?
Is it a bad location?
Would the community not accept it?
Welcome it?
Want it?
Allow it?
Even participate? 
I'm sure HOLLYWOOD Bel Air Beverly Hills Malibu elites wouldn't be party guests. 

The question each of us must ask ourselves about your hand in allowing
Industrial levels of child trafficking and
satanic sex slaves... 

Was the answer given to us, how and where, to combat this evil and we attacked the messenger? Doing nothing for the kids, even the time to sit quietly, feel, and form our own view of facts, and probable likelihoods.
What is wrong with people's ability to think critically?
Instead, they can only look online.
Repost other's opinion pieces.
No deductive reasoning.
Low IQ action of searching for a messenger and never seeking the messages possibility.
I think it is because, collectively, we all like this crazy bullshit and God is answering all our prayers. Maybe we are the problem. 
Because, it is us who allow them to eat our babies. We could stop them. We could.
If ONLY we knew where their hub, coven, lair was, and implement a mass occupation to have full disclosure inspections. 

What if Mr. Kelley is correct:

And Getty is the only Access Point to the DUMBS Network located on private property; a hub for harvesting adrenochrome and child sex trafficking (+ Nikola Tesla free energy Grid, Alien tech, Healing tools, Amazing Machines, ect..)? 

But I'm sure your ex is the best source to give you an honest evaluation to make or break your message, your life, your mission.

Logic, reasoning, probability, & feeling.
Learn to learn, so your thinking - works properly. 

What is your personal mission in life?

What is the action of it's success?
Steven has those! 
And who are you to knock someone who has sacrificed so much for one mission?
What are you doing that allows you to think you've leveled up to see even your own self? 

What sustainable evidence do you possess that satanic black magic isn't playing you like a puppet on a string? 

Even now. But you think you are so smart and in control. That anything you feel, think, say, or do is YOU and has not been influenced to crash success. A victim fighting back, but never the warrior's victory. 

About Steven being the only one who can do this mission:

He does seem to be the only person thinking for himself. Not sniffing up the ass of the next new thing. 
His logic is sound. 

"Of course, it is Under The Getty
What else on God's green earth makes  sense?"
Steven's answer wraps it all up.
We allow it, or we stop-
but it is only a personal choice to think for yourself that will stop it. 

Or take the blue pill and think Q, Q+, Trump, white hats, the military, politics, medical industry, media, courts, education, technology, truthers are somehow going to fix it. And fall back to sleep...

And the bullshit you love, continues.
And you will believe you are the solution.


  1. 3 Getty LA California, Please, us, we the people rise up to d be called to OCCUPY THE GETTY, in Sta Monica mountains in the Pacific facing Fukushima. OCCUPY THE GETTY, Liberate Pedo-facility & rescue the child sex slaves under the Getty Centre network 2 worldwide military bunkers. Please universe shut down the elite mafia, free our sex-child slaves and return them to the surface. wisely good intentions change reality from layer to layer, manifestation of beams of light, intentions of forgiveness, choose life, true unconditional love to victims and perpetrators, healing love is human´s shield. TY Universe for closing down the child harvesting, trafficking and arresting those involved. Please occupy the Getty Centre, and allow us to achieve peace on earth, health & nutrition to all, cleaning free energy plus.

  2. Steve Kelley does kindly appreciate all the help that you can offer, please, might it be that your angels could also help support Steve´s efforts via Paypal Click the box 4 Friends or Family click box, because Steve can only receive a financial present from Friends or Family, and not a Business Transaction, which he will have to return; so please go through the route Friends&Family, ty,, ty, ty. 4 becoming a Patreon: a fund crown funded site where you could set an amount of monthly financial support directed to tcr. ty, ty, ty Dr Kelley does kindly appreciate all the help that you can offer, please, ty, ty, ty #OTG Steven D Kelley, SDK, #OCCUPYTHEGETTY

  3. ty 4 listening 2 The Steven D Kelley interactive radio Show Thursdays night 9pm EST & 6 pm western time. It is an honour to aid Steve and Mr Kitten on TCR please join live on air by tunning in at w. (up voice) https colon doble forward slash wya dot truthcatradio dot com TCR highly appreciates MPaQ Computing, LLC, formerly Wolf Spirit Radio. /// Ascension Radio Studio 1 simulcasting from . Merci beaucoup a tous, mpaq, no limits, no barriers. Music background radio Studio 3 Please follow Steve and share it all the way.

  4. If you like to know more, feel free to email Steven at, and automatically you´ll receive for free Dr Kelley´s book Lasers, Cavers and Magic, 2011. If you want to buy the new revision, Cities under the Plain, that is available on Amazon or Kindle edition for 7 USD. Never a normal man, finds himself spiraling into the surreal world of early exposure to CIA/NSA agents, aliens, UFOs, and secret underground bunkers included. From inventing laser weapon systems, Dr Kelley avoids Templars and Bilderbergers, rather chooses to heal the world with human energy. Thus A true story of the one man's journey from guns and lasers, To metaphysics and spirituality

  5. TCR highly appreciates MPaQ Computing, LLC, formerly Wolf Spirit Radio. /// Ascension Radio Studio 1 simulcasting from . Merci beaucoup a tous, mpaq, no limits, no barriers. Music background radio Studio 3 Please follow Steve and share it all the way. TCR also appreciates Sottish goodfellow Sir Falkirk for freedom, as Billy Watson TV says “If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention. Ty dear Watson for your weekly interview to sk. Richard Kary Arcane Semantics with SDK, Aug 5th, 2020. @

  6. Shared with friends as a PREVIEW. We are pleased to release the Special Conversation held a few days ago in a European Exclusive Video with us by the EX CIA CONTRACTOR Steven D. Kelley

  7. 3.a Getty Pozhaluysta my, lyudi, podnimayemsya, chtoby potrebovat', chtoby Morskaya Korporatsiya byla vyzvana dlya togo, chtoby ZANYAT' GETTI, osvobodit' Pedo-tsentr i spasti detey-rabyn' seksa v Tsentre Getti v Los-Andzhelese i bunkerakh po vsemu miru. Pozhaluysta, Please, we humans are rising to demand that the Marine Corp be summoned to HANDLE the Getty, vacate the Pedo Center, and save the Rabule children. You are welcome,

  8. After falling out with the CIA/NSA, Steven became exposed to Billy Meier, and his Pleadian contacts.  This exposure, and Stevens experience in micro photo lithography, connected to his experience with Silver electro forming, led to discoveries that eventually were used to provide special components to the University of Colorado for experiments in speed of light propulsion, or beam ship construction.
    Incidents involving MIB over my lab, and attempts to recruit Steven into Area 51, and other handlers who failed led to an encounter with a soon to be trust fund manager of the Getty foundation. With my briefing, and his disclosures, we were compelled to investigate what was under the Getty museum on top of Santa Monica Mountain. What we discovered, and the reaction of the Cavers that operate in that bunker confirmed horrors we could never believe.
    Steven was recruited to “save the world” by these Getty cavers by developing weapons to battle alleged alien invaders. This led to the realization that it would only be through use of our brains, and our psychic gifts that we could ever defeat a malevolent advanced enemy. This caused the shift into total focus on developing psychic gifts, and the creation of a group of psychic talent large enough to challenge the Nazi psychics encountered under the Getty fortress many years ago.
    Nine years ago we first shared this with you. We expected to world to change immediately, but here we are now, sharing our achievements, reflecting on our path, past, and future, and we recruit others to join us.


  9. Steven is:
    A former NSA/CIA/Intertel contractor
    A solid state laser pioneer
    A leading world expert in the manufacture, of Plano optics
    A gifted psychic, and energy healer
    A level 6 Reiki master
    A feared weapons expert, and deadly aim
    A supplier of tactical gear, and aiming systems to friendly international anti-terrorist groups.
    An advisor in advanced weapon tactics for the US military during times of conflict
    An advisor to Police agencies on tactical training and use of gear
    A regular contributing expert to Russia Today, and Press TV, as a former CIA/NAS contractor, or a political analyst.
    The author of “Lasers, Caver’s & Magic”
    A non-Milab trauma based Super Soldier that strikes fear into the hearts of those that dread facing my alter Rambo in the astral
    The founder of the Occupythegetty movement
    The founder and owner of
    The most censored, shadow banned, blocked and hidden whistle blower, that at the same time is unable to be silenced, or stopped from forming an unstoppable righteous army of angry Jedi warriors, able to wreak havoc on enemy structures with impunity.
    1: Templar Cabal Bunker called Getty Center.
    A marking of the 9th year anniversary of the historic disclose or the Templar Cabal Bunker under the Getty Center in Los Angeles California. Since that event run by the very same producer as this event, the Getty bunker story, with its  slaves, and tube trains, has become the granddaddy of all conspiracy theories. There is only one problem, it is not a conspiracy theory if the information comes from a real person that is not trying to hide. By standing in front of the world and publicly declaring this information as fact, it becomes a case of libel or slander, that surly a multi billion $ foundation such as the Getty would have responded to post haste. The fact that after nine years without so much as a mention of the name, Steven D Kelley they could never defend their crimes faces with my testimony.
    We will talk about the basic Getty bunker story, and my personal experiences, and review the progress that developed after many years of effort and creative attack against this monolithic enemy.
    I will discuss the creation and progress of the last several years of the OccupyTheGetty movement.
    I will provide a brief description of the creation of the Jedi army, and methods of improving psychic skills. I will talk about the massive dis-information campaign to distort to truth, keep our Getty mission from your ears, and to us co-Intel gatekeepers to hi-jack our narrative. I will show you the light at the end of the tunnel, and the real rewards we will earn when our mission is complete.
    2: How to become a Jedi warrior.
    How to become a Jedi warrior, and how to develop your natural psychic skills through service to others, meditation, and energy balance through making love with a partner. Couples Reiki.
    The use of Reiki, and energy movement to improve your health, and increase your ability to serve others, and interest them in joining us on this path to overcome our evil oppressors. How to increase your ability to discern parasitical entities in our 3D reality, and the Astral.
    3: Lessons in energy healing
    Lessons in energy healing, And basic level one Reiki primer. I will walk everyone through a condensed Reiki course. We will not provide a manual, hands on treatment, or atonement and certification, but you will learn what you need to know to go home and start doing energy healing on your friends and loved ones. We will learn about Reiki symbols and their use, the art of healing with intention, and the reiki principals and steps to psychic development. Additional consultation and healing opportunities will be available by consulting Steven.

  10. Guten Abend, Bon soir / Gutten Morgen, Dobry utro. Liebe Freunde,
    Willkommen 2 w. (up voice) ty 4 listening 2 The Steven D Kelley interactive radio Show Thursdays night 9pm EST & 6 pm Western time. please join live on air by tunning in at on home page


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